Local Regenerative Food Workshops

Over the past 12 months in partnership with government and other for purpose organisations we have run a series of workshops on supporting and enabling a local regenerative food system in SA.

This video provides an insight into what these workshops are about.

We have also run:

  • June 2022: Activating Regenerative Local food Enterprises at McCarthys Orchard – with guest speakers Jade Miles from Sustainable Table and Serenity Hill from Open Food Network
  • Dec 2022 New Farmers: Viability , Reality and Collaborative Models – with guest speaker Serenity Hill, Tom Bradman, Kat Snoswell, Tori Arbon
  • May 2023: Strengthening the Fleurieu Food System with guest speaker Rob Pekin from Food Connect Foundation
  • Feb 2023 Resourcing Regenerative workshops at Peninsula Providore. Below are 4 recordings of the presentations from this day from Moonrise Seaweed Co.

Collectively we have fostered over 300 connections and built a growing network of interest, support and collectively will to build a stronger thriving Hills and Fleurieu Food System.

These workshops have been the catalyst for Hills and Fleurieu Local Food Future Project and the funding of a regional food activator.

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